I'm the founder of Brand Awakening ™.
A method I coined in 2021 that is bespoke to each woman and soul fractal client I walk with on this path.  I'm an alchemist and mentor to self-led feminine leaders.
On this path, we illuminate your genius, activate your life force and freedom, and bring through your essence into form. Into your brand.
We always go first and the universe follows... 

Of Personal Branding
& Image Awaits...

Hey love, I'm Farah

I'm a mother of two boys and with my partner in love, life and business we all live together in beautiful Paris, France.I wake up to a very blessed life every single day, but it wasn't always this way. 

In Human Design I’m a 3/5 Emotional Generator, my 3 means I do all the trial and errors for the collective and share my findings on social media in practical steps that are easy to understand using my 5 line of the leader.

Over the past 8 years, I have built an aligned and highly engaged community and audience online through social media. 

But my life started with having very little self confidence, a result of a tumultuous childhood and not feeling safe to be myself. I felt like such an outcast and  alone growing up.

I have been seeking my soul tribe...and I did it online when the internet arrived, opened up a whole world to me. I’ve learned to overcome my own limitations and share my true authentic self through my content, visuals and copy.

When my soul tribe come across my profile I'm told by my clients they know almost right away they will work with me. Through my content, visuals and what I share on social media, they identify and relate to me, through my stories and experiences.

This is my story...

My visibility online has allowed my clients to find me through my social media channels. I am seen and recognised as a leading expert in the space of building stand-out personal brands online in visuals and image for myself and my clients across the world.

I do this by illuminating their genius, in how to speak about it and market their beautiful services through their copy and content on social media. 

With my intuitive channel, I am able to download visions, copy and branding and bring into form through their visual branding, the essence of my client’s next-level personal brand.

I'm a specialist in Brand Awakening, this requires deep work in
Your branding,
Your image and your personal style
and encapsulating this in a luxury brand shoot usually in Paris (but we do shoots worldwide upon request).

I support my soul fractal clients as light anchor, an alchemist,  and visionary for conscious feminine leadership.  

Walking with my clients as a mentor, we go deeper in embodiment of their next-level brand and showing up online empowered and fearless, having done it for myself and hundreds of other women.

Receiving is love in the
highest form

Soul calling...

My clients who work with me are called by Soul, to step into a vortex of transmutation. My clients know they will work with me almost right away, and often can't put a finger on why.

They love the work I do and how I show up. But until they're actually in my container, the reason doesn't reveal itself...the unfolding and journey is always magical.

I honour each and every soul's sovereignty and divine timing, and for each of us there is always a time for everything.

If you’re drawn to walking together, I hope you can trust it. Most likely it’s your soul beckoning you to come out of hiding on some layer or level, which working with me unlocks and alchemizes in the sacred flames of transmutation. 

Here’s to nothing stopping you from shining your light, and shining brightly because we are all here to bring through our gorgeous vessels, Heaven on Earth through our gifts, talents, genius, and magick. - F xx

Divine Timing...

Caroline de Maigret
style Icon
Zodiac sign
3/5 Emotional Generator
Human Design
Gossip Girl
NEtflix series
favorite drink

Fun facts about me!

Are you ready for a
big change?